7th Heaven Horse Farm

Memorial Page

This page is dedicated to the loving souls who have enriched our lives through the years and who we miss so much each and every day since their passing over the Rainbow Bridge. It is with great fondness that we remember each one for the unique individuals that they were and for the love they so graciously shared with us.



1974 - 11/15/14



6/4/94 - 5/2/14



JB - Owned by Alice Shelly

5/14/78 - 5/21/13

5/20/91 - 5/30/12




5/8/77 - 4/6/08

Mike's Trail Horse - SUE

1974 - 2000


7/24/90 - 5/16/05



4/2000 - 3/20/05


7/3/95 - 11/1/07



4/2000 - 9/21/11



Died: 1/10 at age 4. Our resident domesticated Lionhead bunny that adopted

us after someone turned him loose. He roamed the entire neighborhood for

four years and everyone watched for him until he encountered health problems

and lived his last days here at the farm with us. He loved "playing with the horses".

He was truly a special Bunny and he is dearly missed roaming the farm.


Our precious Alice Shelly and JB





They say memories are golden, well maybe that is true

We never wanted memories, We only wanted you.


A million times we needed you, a million times we've cried,

If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.


In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still,

In our hearts you hold a place, that no one could ever fill.


If tears could build a stairway and heartache build a lane,

We'd walk the path to heaven and bring you home again.


Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same,

But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link  again........


(author unknown)


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Mike and Janet Uliano
245 Larimer Trail
Apollo, PA  15613
Home (724)-727-2637  Cell (724) 875-3611

Copyright 2008-2012 © 7th Heaven Horse Farm

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